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Mazetools Soniface (Lab Edition) Crack By Razor1911 Download


Updated: Nov 27, 2020

About This Software SONIFACE LAB is an... Multimedia sandbox, sound canvas, audio sketchbook, electronic music experimenting tool pro and beginner. It is useable by touch, mouse and keyboard. Soniface is powerful in creating ambiences & immersive scenes, variations of harmonies as well as beats & rhythms. It is modular, generative and enables acting in process as well as techniques like automation, random functions & loop recording. The combining of sound & visuals in a music instrument leads to unconventional creative approaches. KEY FEATURES -Multi-touch based grid synthesizer with audiovisual effects (sound synthesis, filters, frequency modulation, vibrato, tremolo, panning, reverb, ...) -Drum Machine with Synth / Sample combination and effects (Filter, Echo, Distortion, Chorus) -Sampler with natural sounds, library and effects (Filter, Echo, Distortion, Chorus) -Color harmonies (fifth circle after the color piano by Scriabin) -Mic Recording -In-app Help + -Unlimited number of instruments (Mazes) -Pattern Song mode -Extended memory functions -Master Sound Recording -Video Recording -Maze Motion Recording -Harmony & sampler sequencer -Drumpad -Advanced sampler library -MIDI input with MIDI Learn for effects & channels for harmonies, grid triggers & drums -Ableton Link ++ -Extended Visual Editing Interface -Multi Video output ready (up to 3 projektors) -Spout (WINDOWS ONLY) -Leap Motion Controller Ready (Hand-Tracking) -Body-Motion-Tracking Ready (WINDOWS ONLY, Kinect, Real Sense,...) -Keyboard-Support (as Controller for Harmonies, Grid-Triggering & Drums) -Quadrophonic, 5.1, 7.1 Surround Sound Ready #You like to play around with something completely different? Go ahead... #You like to make a harmony out of geometric shapes? Use multi touch & find a way to change colors... #You like to make a beat? Focus on the Rhythm Interface - set drums into 3 circles (bass, snare, hi-hat), put filters, distortion or echo... #You like to make deep soundscapes? Go to the sampler, check the library or use your microphone to record your voice or environment. Make loops and put sound effects on it, like reverb, echo & chorus... #OVERLOAD?+-/)) Despite the masses of features, Soniface can be a tool to calm down and transform your mood into something different, something unexpected, it can take you on a journey... a journey into sound spaces of which YOU are the architect! So keep it slow, minimalistic, and, most importantly, keep yourself comfortable! #Don‘t hesitate! You will get free updates! Therefore it is better to purchase today than tomorrow, if you'd like to support further development. There are masses of amazing features on our TODO list... COMMENTS "Complex and well thought out, endless possibilities." "This is a space age futuristically complex, personal composition, feeling machine of sound vibrations turned into emotions of the soul." "These people know music as well as sound synthesis. Simply ground breaking…" "Brilliant innovative strange" "I am looking forward to seeing how proficient I am with this in 3 or 4 years…" "In any case it’s an interesting app to get lost in for hours…" ABOUT The journey started in 2012 and Mazetools became a catalyser for many thoughts and experiments about the combining of geometric visuals, cymatics, color-note connections, sound synthesis, futuristic input methods or projection possibilities... The release of Mazetools Soniface 1.0 in May 2017 has been made possible through a scholarship from the EU, the german federal state of Saxony-Anhalt, diligent testers, institutions AND of course our mentors, friends and families, who all gave us positive feedback. Thank you very much! Many enthusiasts are certainly looking for specific pro features. Because we want to be cross platform useable few things still need some time! Currently we‘re just two guys with families and we are independent (no ba, vc or big company behind). Our story is characterized by passion and you‘re welcome to support us :) Stephan Kloss (idea, design & development of Mazetools) and Jakob Gruhl (operative, support, mediator) met in 1999 as teenagers making Hip Hop and electronic music. Now, 20 years later, we have the pleasure to produce and perform with our own tool, what still feels unbelievable. So, enjoy all the demo content we put into Soniface! CONTACT Visit our websites Mazetools & Ectoplastic or You‘re welcome to follow us on Youtube/mazetoolslab and Instagram/mazetools for the latest news and videos. 1075eedd30 Title: Mazetools Soniface (Lab Edition)Genre: Animation & Modeling, Audio Production, Design & IllustrationDeveloper:Stephan KlossPublisher:Ectoplastic UGRelease Date: 28 Mar, 2018 Mazetools Soniface (Lab Edition) Crack By Razor1911 Download mazetools soniface lab edition Mazetools Soniface Lab 2.0 Update: Hi guys!After a long time we're very happy to announce the 2.0 update :)There will come more videos, tutorial lessons, ect. in the next days and weeks. We open for any questions and will be present in further discussions!All the best,Stephan & Jakob***Mazetools Soniface Lab 2.0 ...contains huge improvements of performance, sound quality, visuals, user interface design, help function, connectivity & many of new demo scenes and songs! Especially the Sound, Sampler and the Rhythm Interfaces have been improved fundamentally with new sound effects. A sample now can be linked to the Grid and played. Soniface now includes Ableton Link to synchronize musical tempo, a Drum Sample Controller with library as well as new soundscape samples.The Sound Interface now contains a Low-Pass resonance filter and a High-Pass Filter. The hexagon function changes the number of grid tones played. The Colorshift function serves to shift the color assignment on the grid and increases the variance of the basic tones. A Grid trigger playback on/off function enables to switch between a the permanent sound and the playback after triggering the grid by touch or mouse.The Sampler Interface is now also displaying the wave shape of mic recordings. The >Sample to Grid< function transfers the current sample to the Grid tones and the Sound Interface controllers will work with the sample. There are new sounds in the sample library from the baltic sea & Japan. New sample playback functions have been added (Play at begin/end after/before pattern switch). The new effect rack contains Low-Pass, High-Pass, Chorus, Echo, Feedback & Distortion for samples.The Rhythm Interface now includes a drum polyphony on/off function. The Drum Sound menu contains a new Drum Sample controller and a drum sample library. The Sampler link function can be enabled to use a sample from the Sampler Interface as drum element. A Spatial audio on/off switch has been added to arrange the drums via the Maze position in surround sound. The new effect rack contains a Low-Pass, High-Pass, Chorus, Echo, Feedback & Distortion for drums.The Physics was enriched by a LFO function for Low-Pass filter. The Tunes Interface by a Grid-Arpeggiator bending function which extends the variance of the tones played automatically.The Setup Menu contains an improved Quality mode as well as the option to zoom in/out the complete user interface. The on/off switch for multi-touch enables to change the position of several Mazes simultaneously by several fingers. Multi-touch gestures have been changed for 4 fingers (rotation for reverb length) and 5 fingers (rotation for drum volume and distance for drum filter).Soniface Pro MobileThe Recording Menu includes the new possibility to record the Maze movements on the grid.A complete new Visual Interface includes many texture settings, controllers & a 3D figure. The screen outputs (up to 3) can be different from the main screen and monitored via the integrated monitors.The Keyboard of a desktop device can now be used as input controller for Grid triggering (by the letters), to trigger drums (by numbers), and to play color-harmony keyboard (caps lock letters, q=c).FOR WINDOWS USERS:Soniface can be controlled now by Body-Tracking controllers (tested with Kinect V1/V2 and Intel Real Sense). Via the Automation menu the new Body-Tracking Interface enables to connect effects & parameters to body movements & and impulse gestures (to hit drums or samples). The motion tracking is also related to the 3D figure of the Visual Interface.Mazetools Soniface Lab supports Spout, a realtime video sharing framework for Windows.The support of the Leap Motion Controller has been implemented. The new interface can be accessed via the Automation Interface and allows to control effects and parameters with hand movements (like with Midi Input).The Input Controller Hub shows any connected input controller. Beside a better overview this is useful to test/run Sets and Mazes, also if no external input controller is connected.A custom user folder can be selected (beta! App restarts after selecting the folder).***


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